you are born as a Chicken
Hey you, your whole body report. Are you Human ? Yep, you are human. Humans who have been raised from infancy until now. Being in front of gadgets, and staring at this article.
Now imagine, you are in the room, just awakened from a deep sleep. You open the window of your dusty room, then your eyes shrink because of the dazzling sunlight that has just risen in the morning. And you see a rooster crowing over the fence and there is a hen and herds of chicks looking for food.
You paused and thought, “What if I was Born as a Chicken?”. You reduce it throughout the day, from the moment you open the window to go back to sleep at night. Then You searched the internet, and finally found this article.
Returning to the discussion, what happens when you are born as a chicken? This what You Might feel if you become a chicken.
Chicken Eggs |
you’re still in the Egg
Your mother will try to Communicate with you. And Somethime, you will come out a voice to answer your parent. You will always flip the the eggs up to 50 times a day to make sure the whole egg is always Warm! After waiting 21 days in the eternal egg, you will Finally come out and Come out to see this vast and beautifull world.
a Chicks |
be Chicks
Finally you Hatch, you will wait up to 3days to see what gender you are. Hey, it’s been 3 days, it turns out that your gender is male, conrats! Wow, your feather have appeared, they are shapped like coarse needles and the feathers of your wing tips are sticking out. And you continue to grow and Develop into adult Chickens.
Male adult Chikens |
Hey Look! Your physical features have changed, your eyeballs are deep and clean, your feet are dry and your toes are stretching, your fur is shiny and shiny too. Congratulations! You have become an Adult Chicken. You have also entered the age of 7-8 months for the first time. Since you are a Rooster, you will crow when it is morning. You will build up all living things around you, and this is a good thing!
Chicken Eye |
Chicken eyesight
You will have a vision that is one level better than Humans! You will have color vision better than ordinary humans. This is because Chickens did not go throught the dark ages during the revolutionary era. You can have human-colored Dreams.
You can distinguish the faces of 100 different people. You can Navigate or determine the direction with the help of the sun. You can also see UV rays, aka Ultraviolet rays, an ability that humans have.
a Chicken |
Your age will usually be in the range of 5-10 Years. There is event the oldest Chicken who reaches the age of 22 years. Not too long when Compared to ordinary humans who can reach up to 100 years.
Thas’s what happens when you become a Chicken. What are you Worried About? Or maybe something extra? Try the Comments Below.
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